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Thank you for your interest in my Lenten missions. These events are quite popular as I am fully booked through Lent 2025. At the moment, I have two available weeks for 2026. Please contact me as soon as possible. 

The format for my missions follow a classic form with me preaching at all weekend Masses and weekday Masses.

I typically present on each weekday, usually in the early evenings. The topics progress from understanding what this season is all about, within the broader context of Easter, to addressing the spiritual and pastoral needs of the community. In each presentation, I also guide the assembly in singing songs that are relevant to the topics and the season. Below is a sample of these topics.


Title: "The Heart of the Christian Year"
Description: The Lenten and Easter seasons are the heart and soul of the entire Church year!  What are the origins of these two extraordinary seasons?  Join us for a dynamic presentation as we discover the history of our Christian identity and why we do what we do. We will renew our faith and prepare ourselves to enter into the great 90 days of prayer and fasting to feasting and celebration!


Title: "The Eucharist: Crossing Thresholds, Becoming Transformed"
Description: Liturgy invites us to enter into “God space and time” where we become formed, re-formed, and trans-formed into the image and likeness of Christ.  How do we respond during such privileged moments during the mass?  This presentation provides a foundation for understanding these dynamics, in order that we may better respond to God’s initiative.


Title: Do You See What I See?: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Approaches to Our Christian Faith


Description: This presentation outlines three perspectives on our Catholic faith present in today's world. It examines how these worldviews shape our everyday prayer life and Eucharistic celebrations, and suggests that a thoughtful balance of all three could foster healing, harmony, and unity within our Church.

To book an event, feel free to email me:



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© 2014 by Ricky Manalo, CSP.  Created with

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